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November 19th, 2022

    Today was a fantastic day. My wife Averianna Jewel Nunies inspired me by showing me a new website that helps to build maps for a fantasy world. She showed me another application that allows you to also create Artificial Intelligence creations of characters. She finished NaNoWriMo in two weeks and did well over the word count. Also, we went to a terrific bookstore in Hilo, called Bookbuyers and got her and me a bunch of books. I love books. 

    Her interest in world-building amazes me. Writing different iterations of other worlds remains one of my talents as it is my favorite pastime. My opportunity remains character-building. This is from reading so many books and not having to create my own characters. Laziness comes from the practice of not having to think about the person and what they actually do in a story.

    One of the books that I read this weekend was called, Lessons from a Writing Life: Sometimes the Magic Works by Terry Brooks. He wrote about his experience in writing his Shannara books. He tells a compelling story about his journey from studying to becoming a lawyer, then ultimately embarks on telling his action stories the Shannara chronicles. He talks about his methods and rules to write good adventure stories. He says to read, read, read, outline, outline, outline, write, write, write, and repeat, repeat, repeat. But, also to make a really good point stand out that one should make sure to do their best work.

    The lesson I learned regarding writing to be very honest is the fact that practice makes perfect. If you want to write a fantasy fiction novel then you should start immediately making it the best masterpiece that you have ever done. Remember to tell stories remains a good human skill to pass lessons on from one generation to another while we no longer can contribute to the Earth.

Until the next post, please know that I write from the heart and I look forward to sharing more inspirational stories.


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