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Gatekeepers: Arbitrary Obstacles

From the moment we are born, we are expected to learn how to crawl, walk, speak, and even communicate with our parents. Subsequently, we are compelled to communicate with strangers who ultimately become our friends and learn about our families.
Next, we are expected to study diligently, earn good grades, get a good job, and then work for 50 years to save enough for retirement, ideally reaching 90 years old and having lived a good life. But is this truly a good life? Why must we work for 50 years to enjoy the fruits of our labor? For most of our lives, we are working to help another person get rich. We work to make investors richer, or we work for a non-profit organization to make a better life for those less fortunate. After being laid off from a good job after 14.5 years, totaling 23 years of my life, I began to realize that this pathway is a deception. It is a scam to hold you back in life from achieving your true happiness.
As someone who has never been in need, I found myself requiring assistance. This assistance is at the mercy of lawmakers and administrators for each County in Hawaii. These lawmakers determine who gets the funds, but first, they must be elected into their respective positions. I am extremely thankful that there are funds that can help me to become healthy. In fact, since I stopped working, I am the healthiest I have ever been. With the help of Medicaid, I can now address all of my ailments that I could not navigate while working. With the constant need to please the organization, bosses, and coworkers, I found it difficult to get the help that I needed during work hours. I forfeited everything that my family wanted to do with me because I simply did not have vacation time for them, let alone myself. Moreover, because of the business need, it was extremely difficult to abandon the company for personal health.
You must be wondering why the topic of this post is "Gatekeepers." Everything that you do has steps to get there. Study hard because if you do not get good grades, then you will be prevented from getting a good job. This is not always true. Some of the richest men and women in the world do not have such an education. Therefore, this is an arbitrary gate that does not necessarily result in success. Then, you get the job of your dreams. Do you really have the job of your dreams, or are you working to further someone else's agenda and not your own? Here you can see a gate preventing you from pursuing your actual passion. Next, you will have to work at least 40 years minimum. If you don’t work that long, then your retirement will not be enough to live on after you retire. Here you can see these years are something that you need to complete to retire. Another blockage for you to fail in getting your retirement. My father worked 42 years before retiring, and he worked for two main companies. If he didn’t do this, he believes that he would not be able to provide for his family.
People justify this self-punishing behavior because this is all they know. They are sheep who are herded by the social construct of society. They think that this provides them with the accomplishments that define their existence, otherwise they remain nothing. The truth be told, we are born with innate knowledge, skills, attributes, and other skills that do not require us to pass through life like a maze with obstacles at every step, gates, stopping us from reaching our potential.


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