When I was a kid, my mom and I opened up a bank account together in the hopes of teaching me the responsibilities of saving money. Of course, she had to open the account because I was only a mere child at 10 years old. Once I got the taste of this type of practice of collecting money I did not stop there. By the time I was 13 years old, I saved up $7,000. If you really think about it, then you will soon realize that I could have probably paid for my entire Undergraduate Degree in English with that money. Because I wanted a car as much as my brother I gave my brother $3,000 so that he could buy a second car, my brother needed a car to drive to and from work. As a 13-year-old, I finance his car with no expectations or payback whatsoever. My mom claims that my brother paid for my graduation party with the money that he was supposed to pay me back. I do not want payback. Nor will I ever ask for anyone to pay me back. Keep in mind, that this same year, I had all my relatives finance my awesome set of hockey skates made by Charger. Mind you back in those days it was $76. If you look these same skates up today, then it will cost roughly about $50 at the most. Fast-forward until today and I cannot even ice skate because of Cervical Spondylosis, but I must say Mahalo Nui Loa to all my relatives who financed me.
Here is where I save all my money now: Albert
Another hands up for you George, keep it up!:))))