From the moment we are born, we are expected to learn how to crawl, walk, speak, and even communicate with our parents. Subsequently, we are compelled to communicate with strangers who ultimately become our friends and learn about our families. Next, we are expected to study diligently, earn good grades, get a good job, and then work for 50 years to save enough for retirement, ideally reaching 90 years old and having lived a good life. But is this truly a good life? Why must we work for 50 years to enjoy the fruits of our labor? For most of our lives, we are working to help another person get rich. We work to make investors richer, or we work for a non-profit organization to make a better life for those less fortunate. After being laid off from a good job after 14.5 years, totaling 23 years of my life, I began to realize that this pathway is a deception. It is a scam to hold you back in life from achieving your true happiness. As someone who has never been in need, I found myself requi...
Looking at these beautiful colors reminds me of the night we popped fireworks. In Hawaii, aerial fireworks remain illegal for the most part and we did not have those fireworks. As I was growing up, it was a tradition to have Red Devils or Duck brand firecrackers hung on a pole, preferably a telephone or electric pole, so we could ring in the new year. This year will be a year of growth for me. This year will be the year of no-holds-barred. In other words, I will not give up on my passion for anyone, anything, or any place. The beauty of last year stems from how last year fortified this year. It made this year a cakewalk and has helped us to prepare for the future of 2025. Noticeably, there are many people writing to me venting their biggest fears about transgender rights and how they affect the lgbtqia+ men and women as citizens. Although this is sort of the previous generations' Mission Objective, the issues sometimes do not overlap but in fact, make those from the 80s seem old b...